Our COVID-19 Policies
Upon entering the space, clients will be required to confirm: a) no COVID-19 symptoms in past 14 days, (b) no positive COVID-19 test in past 14 days, and (c) no close contact with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case in past 14 days.
Hand sanitizer is available at our front desk for all clients entering and leaving The Club. Additional sanitizer is available in the kitchen.
Please bring your own mask, but we do have disposable masks available at the front desk if needed. Your mask should cover your nose and mouth.
Clients must wear masks while entering, leaving and conversing with other clients, but may remove them wear them if seated at a desk working 6ft from others. Masks are required in the conference room.
Clients will be seated at every other desk to ensure a distance of more than 6ft.
Please sanitize your hands regularly while in Worker’s Club spaces, including washing your hands with warm, soapy water for 20 seconds or using alcohol based hand sanitizers when soap and water is not available
If you have experienced COVID-19 symptoms, or have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or who has experienced COVID-19 symptoms, please stay home and self-quarantine for at least 14 days before returning to Worker’s Club.
We will be keeping a log of everyone who enters the space for contact tracing purposes.
Upon leaving The Club, clients will be required to disinfect all spaces they used during their stay with cleaning materials provided in the kitchen,
The Worker's Club will clean and disinfect all monitors, hard surfaces, private work spaces, conference rooms, and frequently used surfaces such as door knobs and faucets each evening.
We will be operating at 50% capacity on a first come, first serve basis each day.